Thursday, October 16, 2008

The line I'm in love with now

In the long term, we are all dead ~ KeynesJohn Maynard Keynes, British economist said this... presumably about economics or even capital markets... how waiting endlessly for projects, investments to bear fruit makes no sense.But to me, this line is about that, and much's largely about life. How almost all we are preoccupied with in life... my job sucks, my EMI's killing me, see - he's sucking up to the boss, when will I get rich, blah, blah, blah, blah...But the point is, all of this is will all be over, sooner or later. Whether you like it not, whether you are winning or not, whether you had your chance or not. And when it does get over, all of us, no matter how rich, how powerful or with how much clout, will be on equal footing.

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